Covid- Testing Requirements
Restrictions and testing requirements vary from country to country. You will need to know the testing requirements for departing from your country and for entering foreign countries. Some require an advanced appointment, so check with your airline and embassy. Incheon has onsite testing, but appointments fill up fast. Testing sites are also close to the event location. See the visit Korea link below for more information on testing sites and costs.
The following is a link from Korean Air (I also suggest you check your airline and local government site for international travel requirements.
The following is a link from Korean Air (I also suggest you check your airline and local government site for international travel requirements.
South Korea's Latest Covid Testing Travel Requirements
The latest regulations from the US, (Each country has different regulations) but these are the basic.
See more details at this link:
- Proof of negative pre-departure COVID-19 test results
- Mandatory COVID-19 test on arrival (suggested: make an appointment ahead of time)
See more details at this link:
South Korea Mask Mandates
South Korea makes the best facemasks! I suggest getting some extra to take home.
Currently there are mask mandates for public transit, indoors, and outdoors where minimum 2 - meter distancing is not possible.
See the latest here for rules and fines:
Currently there are mask mandates for public transit, indoors, and outdoors where minimum 2 - meter distancing is not possible.
See the latest here for rules and fines: